martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

Día 21 · Beto Perrone

Hoy nos reunimos con Beto Perrone, uno de los anfitriones en New Jersey. Casi todas las mañanas fuimos a desayunar a su cafetería, la ROU Bakery, donde poco a poco nos fuimos convenciendo de que no podiamos dejar pasar el tiempo si entrevistarlo y poder compartir sus anécdotas con el mundo. 

Day 21 · Beto Perrone

Today we got together with Beto Perrone, one of the hosts in New Jersey. Almost every morning we went to his coffee shop for breakfast, ROU Bakery, where gradually we convinced ourselves that we couldn´t let the opportunity go by of an interview with him and share his anecdotes to the world.

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